4 Remington Typewriters and 1 Table
预估价:€ 200-400 欧元
起拍价:€ 80 欧元
成交价: € 233.12 欧元
布雷克拍品等级是为了方便竞买人判断拍卖品的成色而设置的。布雷克等级用1到6级来标注外观和功能的成色,(从非常好到非常差)。 在目录图册里用括号里的2个数字来表示,前一个数字表示外观成色的级别,后一个数字表示功能成色的级别。如(3/2)表示外观成色是3(满意的),功能成色2(好)。 成色 定义参照下列标准: 1 - 非常好 (未使用过,没有使用痕迹) 2 - 好 (新,极少的使用痕迹) 3 - 满意的 (普通的使用痕迹) 4 - 及格的 (明显的使用痕迹,某个非主要部件是后配的) 5 - 有缺陷的 (极明显的使用痕迹, 某个主要部件是后配的,功能上有缺陷,需要修理) 6 - 非常差 (严重破损, 缺少重要部件)
布雷克拍品等级是为了方便竞买人判断拍卖品的成色而设置的。布雷克等级用1到6级来标注外观和功能的成色,(从非常好到非常差)。 在目录图册里用括号里的2个数字来表示,前一个数字表示外观成色的级别,后一个数字表示功能成色的级别。如(3/2)表示外观成色是3(满意的),功能成色2(好)。 成色 定义参照下列标准: 1 - 非常好 (未使用过,没有使用痕迹) 2 - 好 (新,极少的使用痕迹) 3 - 满意的 (普通的使用痕迹) 4 - 及格的 (明显的使用痕迹,某个非主要部件是后配的) 5 - 有缺陷的 (极明显的使用痕迹, 某个主要部件是后配的,功能上有缺陷,需要修理) 6 - 非常差 (严重破损, 缺少重要部件)
1) "Remington Standard No. 2", 1888, serial no. 18064, early American upstroke machine, successor to the Sholes & Glidden, the first successful typewriter, carriage movement defective, missing 4 keys, paper table and wood roller. (4/5) – 2) "Remington Standard No. 8", c. 1900, serial no. 37923, upstroke machine, wood typebars, with many improvements to Remington's previous models, carriage movement defective, missing 1 key, partially rusty. (4/5) – 3) "Remington Smith Premier No. 10-A", c. 1915, serial no. S250672, frontstroke machine with full keyboard, working, in need of cleaning. – Literature: Martin, 1949, p. 109. (3/3–4) – 4) "Remington Standard No. 11", c. 1910, serial no. LM21307, 'visible writing' machine made by Remington, with tabulator, working. (3/3+) – And: 5) Remington sewing machine treadle base, 1873, cast-iron frame, belt-drive for leather straps, treadle-operated, walnut plate with recess for a sewing machine, overall dimensions 27 ½ x 15 ¾ x 28 ½ in. – Note: The Remington Company, a booming producer of weapons, sewing machines and many other mass products, was very interested in technical developments and was also looking elsewhere for more products to make and sell. They signed an exclusive contract for the production of typewriters with the developer Christopher Latham Sholes. The Remington 1 was the result. It is similar in style and decoration to the sewing machines of the same period as components from the factory were used for both product lines. A sewing machine table of slightly different design was located under the first typewriter and the treadle was used to reset the platen. – An interesting addition to a Remington collection.
布雷克拍品等级是为了方便竞买人判断拍卖品的成色而设置的。布雷克等级用1到6级来标注外观和功能的成色,(从非常好到非常差)。 在目录图册里用括号里的2个数字来表示,前一个数字表示外观成色的级别,后一个数字表示功能成色的级别。如(3/2)表示外观成色是3(满意的),功能成色2(好)。 成色 定义参照下列标准: 1 - 非常好 (未使用过,没有使用痕迹) 2 - 好 (新,极少的使用痕迹) 3 - 满意的 (普通的使用痕迹) 4 - 及格的 (明显的使用痕迹,某个非主要部件是后配的) 5 - 有缺陷的 (极明显的使用痕迹, 某个主要部件是后配的,功能上有缺陷,需要修理) 6 - 非常差 (严重破损, 缺少重要部件)